Judging purely by the puzzles uploaded on flickr, the world’s most popular holiday destination is… Venice! But there were plenty of others, including Paris, San Francisco, Bled, Delphi, St Moritz, Ljubljana, Victoria Falls and even Arcadia. At a time when actual travel was restricted, it was a pleasure to travel by armchair to these beautiful places.

Bearing in mind our founder’s mantra that the BCD should above all be fun, we managed to hold our AGM in 25 minutes. And then it was swiftly on to the ever-popular Show and Tell, where 16 members from the UK, the USA and the Netherlands talked about puzzles on the theme ‘Holiday Destinations’.

Finally, Alan gave us a short presentation on his DaVici puzzle, ‘City of Cats’.

Virtual weekend meeting – 26th/27th June Theme: Holiday Destinations
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