As well as several articles on the September meeting (see previous post), Issue 122 contained another dozen or so articles on a wide range of puzzling topics and four full colour pages of puzzles discussed in them.
Among these, Terry Walters reported on a framed massive 24,000 piece “World’s Largest Puzzle” purchased, put together and donated to the local Balloon Museum and John Hyde added to two previous articles on Collecting as a hobby. Emma Jenkinson shared her experiences of winning the first British Championships at the Newmarket Jigsaw Festival in 2013 and more recently coming second and, best of all, while participating, discovering the BCD. Helen Stevenson and Martin Norgate contributed articles on jigsaws in museums and chairman David a short piece on a fascinatingly cut and colourful Hampton Court puzzle. In his Chairman’s Chatter, David also mentioned next February’s Bournemouth House Party Weekend which will include a full programme of puzzling activity including a Show & Tell theme of “My Favourite Two Advertising or Story-Telling Puzzles”.
Two of the longer articles were about a really interesting collection of monkey puzzles and toys put together by Gillian Kernon to celebrate this year as the Chinese year of the Monkey and Brian Sulman’s account of an unusual Salmon series of three interchangeable jig-saw puzzles, “The Mad Tea Party”, “The Bruin Boys” and “Cook and Her Policeman”.