The BCD is always open to and welcomes new members, so if you would like to join our numbers and hopefully come and join in the fun at some of our meetings, please get in touch.

Membership costs are just:

£15.00 per annum (UK Subscription)

£23.00 per annum (European Subs.)

£28.00 per annum (Rest of the World Subs.)

The differences are to cover postal charges.

Alternatively, UK and overseas members can opt to receive magazines by email instead of hard copies for a subscription of £15 per annum.

One or more spouses, partners and others at the same postal address can be included as joint ‘family’ members for an extra subscription of £3 per annum. They will be entitled to the same benefits as members but will not themselves receive magazines.

As a member you will also be able to join and participate in our Facebook and Flickr groups and subscribe to additional member-only online content.

Interested? Then please complete the online joining form or download, complete, and return the appropriate pdf form below. As a small private club, we are limited in our means to take overseas payment, our only current options being via PayPal or sterling cheque if available. Thank you.

Online Joining Form

UK Joining PDF Form

International Joining PDF Form




BCD Members, below is a flyer that you can download, print, and use to help recruit new members

BCD Recruitment Flyer

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