The summer extended edition was already crammed with information about our annual house party, before we found room for a virtual meeting in  April! There were two interesting Show and Tells on the themes of  ‘The living world’ and ‘Beyond European shores’, as well as write-ups of talks by Katherine and David on designing laser-cut puzzles and on puzzles with irregular outlines.

Two new series began – head and shoulders portraits, and our very own Letter from America written by Deb. Jackie did a comprehensive review of puzzles that (literally) move, and Maria reported on her important map puzzle exhibition at the State Library of Berlin.

There was a celebration of the life and puzzles of Andrew Kershaw and his puzzle-cutting mother and grandfather.

New member Vicky blew our minds with Quezzle’s ‘Amazing Cappadocia’, our new crossword compiler Peter set us a quick summer crossword, and at Hayley’s request, we finally found just enough room for a little online competition!

Jigsaw Pieces Issue 153 – Summer 2024
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