The eagerly awaited face-to-face meeting in Binsted was the main theme of Issue 142. The History ‘Show and Tell’ was given prominence, with colourful photos of everything from an ancient chariot race to a political protest in Wales in the 1960s.
Nicki produced the results of interesting research into the link between French Anglo-American and Pastime puzzles, and Bronwen asked for information about women puzzle cutters in Cheltenham.
Kerstin and Stefanie reported on their visit to look at old puzzles stored by the Basel Historical Museum. Will and Val, meanwhile, had ventured to Cowes in the Isle of Wight for the annual Jigsaw Festival, where the huge range of puzzles on offer made them overspend their budget. (Other puzzle lovers will sympathise.)
The magazine concluded with an account of the service of thanksgiving for our much-loved BCD President, Tom Tyler. Speakers included a former pupil at the school in the Solomon Islands where Tom was the headmaster. Afterwards, Tom’s favourite food was provided to guests – a hearty Devon Cream Tea.