A lot of the first half of the Summer 2020 issue was given over to accounts of our first ever Virtual Puzzling Weekend, organised to replace our planned June meeting that the pandemic prevented from taking place.  You can read more about that weekend in the two posts below.

The second half included another half dozen or so articles. Among these were two contrasting accounts of puzzles bought on eBay, the first a review accompanied by a detailed list of puzzles that sold for the highest prices over the last two years and the second illustrating a selection of wooden puzzles that went at bargain prices.

Other contributions described :puzzling during the lockdown in South Africa; puzzles on the theme “My Country” from our treasurer that he was not able to share at the June virtual Show & Tell; Flickr at the 2020 Jigsaw Mga-Marathon; a member’s favourite bus puzzles, the puzzle cutter A.Dinn; and finally a short piece entitled “Jigging as a Millenial” posing the question .. “Is jigsaw building about the process or the final piece for you?”

Jigsaw Pieces Issue 137 – Autumn 2020
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