Seven long months since the last virtual meeting, and some club members were posting photos on flickr well before the puzzling weekend began. There were far more cardboard puzzles than usual, because by popular demand, the theme of the Show and Tell was ‘Cardboard and more’.

Along with the vintage puzzles, there were puzzles by some of the best modern makers of cardboard puzzles. ‘And more’ produced some wooden and fibreboard puzzles, and more imaginatively, plastic, cork and even virtual reality puzzles.


15 members from across the UK, Europe and the US talked about their chosen cardboard puzzles. The next day, Mike gave an illustrated  talk about how the cut of cardboard puzzles could add to the challenge of completing them.

These virtual meetings, started because of lockdown restrictions in a pandemic, have now become a permanent feature of the club timetable, ensuring that members anywhere in the world can be involved in club activities.

January 2022 meeting – virtual
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