Back in February, just before the lockdown, about 60 of our members gathered at a hotel in Peterborough to take part in a full weekend of puzzling activity, and a very enjoyable time was had by all! Most of the time was spent assembling a wide variety of puzzles, most with the common theme of the weekend which was “Village and Rural Life”.
This was interspersed with talks on “Dunlop Chad Valley Puzzles”, ”Jigsaw Puzzle Colouring and Printing” and “Cutting 3D Puzzles the GrandpaTJ Way” along with our usual Show & Tell session.
Themed “Village and Rural Life” puzzles were shared by almost a dozen members, among them were puzzles made by Victory, Wentworth, U-Nit, Salmon and Vera and cutters Edith Stocken, Meredith Worsfold Sarah White and Richard Sawbridge.
Participants were also able to enjoy the lovely hotel grounds, nearby park and lake and the hotel’s pool and spa facilities. We are already looking forward and hoping that we will be able to safely reconvene for another great puzzling weekend early next year.