Around 35 members, including some new faces, attended the March meeting where the Show & Tell theme was “Flying High”. As well as this and the annual AGM, on the agenda were tea, cakes, sales tables, and a short talk from John on what he calls “rotten” puzzles – those old puzzles with missing or badly repaired/replaced pieces!
As usual, the Show and Tell session produced a really nice and varied selection of puzzles. David showed several puzzles including a difficult Stocken Montgolfier balloon blasting off, a cardboard puzzle of Commonwealth flags and a Holtzapffel Figure=It=Out Sinbad puzzle featuring a giant Roc. Tom’s contribution included Swallows, an Edwardian bi-plane and two WWII puzzles – an Arrow Battle of Britain and another of a Hawker Hurricane. Planes of generations before and after these featured on other puzzles discussed – The Spirit of St.Louis, flown solo across the Atlantic by Charles Lindbergh and Concorde, from Wentworth.